Health care system-managed care system

Question 1: Describe how health care is different nowadays than in previous eras. Topics to consider: hospitals, physicians and the role of government.

Question 2: Identify the three main factors which created the requirement for health insurance and explain the reasons why.

Question 3: What three segments of our population are given for by Medicare and Medicaid? In brief describe why it became essential to accommodate them throughout the Postindustrial Era.

Question 4: List three factors (economic, political and so on) presently affecting health care services. What impact do you think these will have on the future of health care?

Question 5: In what ways do you feel our present managed care system is efficient and in what ways is it inefficient? Your response must address both service and financial aspects of health care.

Question 6: What do you feel constitutes preventive medicine (two examples) and how might this affect health care costs? Does this influence overall health care costs?

Question 7: What’s your definition of quality health care? Does it matter what the definition is and who makes it?

Question 8: How do costs influence quality as you define it? Who bears the cost?

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English: Health care system-managed care system
Reference No:- TGS02902

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