Has dursley committed negligence against petunia

Problem: Dursley is a stagehand in a theater. Stagehands work on the sets, lights, props, and other physical things on and around the stage of the theater, where actors are likely to perform. Petunia is one of the actors in that theater. Dursley is careless in the way he mounts one of the lights over the stage, such that it is easily liable to fall. The light does eventually fall to the stage during a performance, but fortunately there is no one directly underneath it at that time. However, the sound of the crash so badly startles the actors that one of them, Vernon, trips and falls. When he falls, he knocks over another actor, Lily. Lily also falls, and the prop she is holding (a full cup of iced tea) flies out of her hand and down the stairs, where the iced tea pools on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Petunia walks out of the dressing room about three minutes later (on her way to perform onstage) and slips in the spilled iced tea, breaking her leg. Has Dursley committed negligence against Petunia?

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Reference No:- TGS03399212

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