express the following queries in sqla write the

Express the following queries in SQL:

(a) Write the SQL code that will create ALL the four tables given in the appendix. Your answer should not contain the primary key and foreign key constraint declaration. The data type for each attribute should be for the SQL Server 2005 convention.

(b) Having created the table structure in question (a) above, write SQL code to make the following change in the structure of the tables:

(i) Make the PubId the Primary Key in the Publisher table

(ii) Make the ISBN the primary key and the Pub_Id the foreign key in the Book table.

(iii) Make the AU_ID and the ISBN the Primary Key of the Book_Author table.

(iv) Make the AU_ID and the ISBN the foreign key of the Book_Author table.

(v) Make the AU_ID the Primary key of the Author table

(c) After creating the table structure above, you write the following SQL code to insert the first row in the Book table:

Insert into Book

Values(‘0-0038307-6-4', ‘dBASE III : A Practical Guide', 1985, 469);

When you run the above code SQL Server shows an error message. Explain the reason for the error. How will you correct the error? Explain your answer fully.

(d) If you wanted the au_id column to be automatically incremented when inserting new record in the author table, how would you modify the create statement in question(a) above so that it starts with the number 100 and increment by one every time you create a new record in that table.

(e) Write the SQL code to change the year born value from 1970 to 1971 for the author whose ID is 1.

(f) Write the SQL code required to list all book details whose title's name contains the word "Information".

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Database Management System: express the following queries in sqla write the
Reference No:- TGS0358815

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