Explain the human corruption and selfishness that we see


The Bible teaches that human beings were created upright and good by the God who is good (Genesis 1:26-27; 1:31). In fact, humans were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26; also referred to as the imago dei, from Latin). God desires us to reflect his perfect character (Ephesians 4:24). The Bible, however, also teaches that, beginning with Adam and Eve, human beings have turned their backs on God and walked into self-promotion and sin, taking on guilt and an internal corruption that now affects our nature and attitudes (Romans 3:9-20; 5:12-21; James 1:13-15). This internal corruption in our hearts is played out in selfishness and a desire for self-autonomy. This exaltation of self over and against the Creator of the universe that is intrinsic in every person is known as "original sin."

Here are two questions for you, and you can answer just one or both. Since we now inherit in some sense a corrupted nature from Adam and Eve, can we blame them (or God) for our sin? Why or why not?

If you are not a Christian, or if you don't believe in original sin, how would you explain the human corruption and selfishness that we see from a very young age? (Note from a parent: in case you haven't spent much time around children, you don't have to teach them to take things for themselves or think primarily about themselves!) Remember that people can grow up in relatively good environments and yet turn out to be remarkably selfish and immoral. What's the reason for this?

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Computer Network Security: Explain the human corruption and selfishness that we see
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