Does the film accurately depict alzheimers

Problem: View the film Away from her (Egoyan et al., 2006). use the Munro short story "The bear came over the mountain? (2013) as the criteria against which to evaluate the film Away from her (Egoyan et al., 2006).  making a judgment based on the evidence from the story and the film to evaluate how well the film depicts the story and how well the story and the film depict Alzheimer's.

  • Do you think the film accurately depicts the characters in the short story?
  • Do you think that the film justifies the themes of the story?
  • Does the film accurately depict Alzheimer's?
  • Does the film present as overly sentimental?
  • Do you prefer the film or the short story?

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Other Subject: Does the film accurately depict alzheimers
Reference No:- TGS03348440

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