Distinguish appropriate marketing strategies and tactics

Read the instruction in the link:

Learning Outcomes:

  • Distinguish appropriate marketing strategies and tactics given the SWOTs that exist for a firm
  • Assess internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats (SWOTs) that emerge from a situation analysis
  • Select and evaluate managerial accounting and finance tools that are appropriate in marketing management

Conduct a thorough situational analysis (also known as Environmental Analysis) using this Assignment Guide and Rubric.

Is compulsory enter this website and follow 100% instruction if you don't complete each section I will denim the work https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iEi5DOX_Jp6jenRKsjEY2zylKggkVy-RbXU4Hq1L-4U/edit

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History: Distinguish appropriate marketing strategies and tactics
Reference No:- TGS02161520

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