Discuss when you witnessed an imbalance or abuse of power

Problem: In practice, the "power differential" exists to bring benefit, power and a voice to a vulnerable individual. But this isn't always how the dynamic plays out. Health care professionals are held to a higher standard than other people in our society, when it comes to power differentials. The therapist is always responsible for maintaining the professional boundaries, even if a client requests or consents to behaviour(s) otherwise constituting professional conduct.

What does power mean to you?

Tell me about a time when you experienced or witnessed an imbalance or abuse of power.  It could have been at school, at work, at home or even amongst friends.  Which end of the power scale were you on? And how did it make you feel?

How do you think the other party involved felt?

DO you feel that healthcare professionals should be held to a higher moral code? Or should they be treated just like everyone else? Please defend your answer.

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Other Subject: Discuss when you witnessed an imbalance or abuse of power
Reference No:- TGS03248592

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