Discuss significance of two selected clinical manifestations


CASE: DIABETES SP, a 56-year-old client with Type 2 Diabetes, was admitted to the medical-surgical unit for management of a stage 3 ulcer on her right heel. Although she is compliant with her diabetic medication routine and adheres to her prescribed diet, she still struggles with keeping her blood sugar within a normal range. SP tells the nurse that she works on a production line in a factory. She states "I work such long hours that by the time I get home, I'm tired. I'm just worn out. I also find that I am going slower on the production line because my eyesight is getting worse." On admission, her vital signs are: Temp 36, HR 86, RR 20, BP 143/90, O2 Sat 96%, blood glucose13.5mmol/

• Discuss the significance of two selected clinical manifestations that link to the chosen nursing diagnosis and provide rationales.

• Select one priority nursing diagnosis and justify choice with rationales

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Other Subject: Discuss significance of two selected clinical manifestations
Reference No:- TGS03344673

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