Discuss - infomercial is a televised commercial message

Assignment task:

(1) An infomercial is a televised commercial message lasting approximately thirty minutes and used to sell a product by convincing viewers that they must have this product.

(2) Kitchen products such as a food dehydrator and a juice extractor are successful goods shown on infomercials.

(3) Other examples of products that have made it big on infomercials include a cleaning solution that promises to clean any household surface safely and inexpensively, and a similar product that claims it will shine and polish your car with next to no effort.

(4) Infomercials can be very convincing, but viewers are wise to remember the Latin term caveat emptor: Let the buyer beware! The main pattern of organization is definition and example. comparison and/or contrast. list of items.


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Other Subject: Discuss - infomercial is a televised commercial message
Reference No:- TGS03404012

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