Demonstrate the avoidance behavior

Problem: The scenario I am using demonstrate avoidance behavior is one in which a student is asked to give a presentation in class. The student is so intimidated by the idea of speaking in front of the class that she decides to avoid attending class in order to avoid the aversive stimulus. This behavior is a form of negative reinforcement, as the student is being reinforced by the removal of an aversive stimulus (the class). This reinforcement is maintained by the presence of the aversive stimulus, signaling the need to avoid. The behavior is further maintained by the removal of the aversive stimulus, reinforcing the student to avoid attending class the next time the presentation is due.

  • Identify the antecedent
  • Identify the behavior/response
  • Identify the consequence

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Other Subject: Demonstrate the avoidance behavior
Reference No:- TGS03364080

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