Define the four leadership approaches


1. Describe four of the eight nonverbal messages. Provide a real-life example for each illustration. They Are: Vocal qualities, eye contact, space, and environment.

2. Define the four leadership approaches. Give a real-life scenario or example for each approach. They are: Characteristics, Relationships, Express Truth, and Culture Bound

3. Describe the concept of organizational culture. Include how organizational culture can be used to effectively lead and what factors can contribute to that culture.

4. Present three of the five types of organizational power. Provide a description of each type, a real-life example or scenario of a person with that power, as well as any potential abuses of that power. They are: Legitimate power, Referent power, Expert power, Reward power, and Coercive power.

5. Illustrate three of the six ways of communicating supportive verbal messages. Provide a real-life example for each illustration. They Are: Use I, rather then You, Solve problems rather than control other, Be genuine rather than manipuative, Empathize rather than detach from others, Be flexible rather than rigid, and Present yourself as equal rather than as superior.

Reference: Beebe, S. A., & Mottet, T. P. (2016). Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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Business Law and Ethics: Define the four leadership approaches
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