create the four tables and populate them with the

Create the four tables and populate them with the given data. Answer the following queries in SQL.

1. Get all part-color/part-city combinations. Note: Here and subsequently, the term "all" is to be taken to mean "all currently represented in the database" not "all possible".  

2. Get all supplier-number/part-number/job-number triples such that the indicated supplier, part, and job are colocated.  

3. Get all supplier-number/part-number/job-number triples such that the no two of the indicated supplier, part, and job are colocated.  

4. Get all pairs of part numbers such that some supplier supplies both the indicated parts. 

5. Get job numbers for jobs whose city is first in the alphabetic list of such cities.

6. Get job numbers for jobs not supplied with any red part by any London supplier.  

7. Get part numbers for parts supplied to all jobs in London.  

8. Get supplier numbers for suppliers who supply the same part to all jobs.  

9. Get the total quantity of part P1 supplied by supplier S1.  

10. Get part number for parts that are supplied either by a London supplier or to a London job.

Please turn in the following materials:

1.  A SQL script to create and populate the tables.

2.  A SQL script to answer the queries.

3.  The results of your queries.

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PL-SQL Programming: create the four tables and populate them with the
Reference No:- TGS0210204

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