Complete the printmonthint numdays int startday method

Question: Complete the printMonth(int numDays, int startDay) method below to print a calendar month. The parameters numDays and startDay show how many days are in the month, and which day of the week the month starts on (Sunday==0, Monday==1, etc.).

Confirm that the printout lines up vertically. For case, calling printMonth(31, 3) should result in printing:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

--   --    --    1    2   3   4

5    6    7    8    9  10 11

12  13  14  15 16 17 18

19  20   21 22  23 24 25

26  27   28 29  30 31 --

public static void printMonth(int numDays, int startDays)


I am stuck on how to put the dashes in properly - Make sure to show all your work

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Basic Computer Science: Complete the printmonthint numdays int startday method
Reference No:- TGS0959844

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