Case of manuel - veteran vocational rehabilitation services


Case of Manuel - Veteran Vocational Rehabilitation Services?

Manuel is a thirty three year old man with a spinal cord injury that limits his mobility and movement from the waist down. Manuel is a student at the University of North Carolina Greensboro and is seeking a Masters degree in Public Health.

He is expected to graduate in May. He is wanting to work as a researcher following his graduation. His undergraduate degree is in Nursing from WSSU (before his disbility) but his disability makes it impossible for him to perform nursing duties. Manuel acquired his disability in the military in Afghanistan.

He fell from a pole while stringing power lines. He has applied for vocational evaluation and job placement assistance from Vocational Rehabilitation but was told that he would not be eligible for any services that would be provided through the Veteran's Administration. Please explore the services available to veterans with disabilities. Also explore the eligibility requirements for these services.

What help might Manuel receive through the VA in his search for employment?

What are the eligibility requirements to receive services from the State Vocational Rehabilitation agency?

What services would be available to Manuel that would not be duplicated by the Veterans Administration? Provide references.

Please bear in mind that the state is North Carolina.

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Other Subject: Case of manuel - veteran vocational rehabilitation services
Reference No:- TGS01895961

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