c provides a wide range of variable types normal

C provides a wide range of variable types.

All of the integer types plus the char are called the integral types. float and double are called the real types.

Declarations can be spread out, allowing space for an explanatory comment. Variables can also be initialised when they are declared, this is done by adding an equals sign and the required value after the declaration.

int high = 250;    /* Maximum Temperature */

int low = -40;     /* Minimum Temperature */

int results[20];   /* Series of temperature readings */




An Integer


A floating point (real) number


A single byte of memory, enough to hold a character


An integer, possibly of reduced range


An integer, possibly of increased range



An integer with no negative range, the spare capacity being


used to increase the positive range

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Computer Engineering: c provides a wide range of variable types normal
Reference No:- TGS0305472

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