bound register ledger form in this form the

Bound Register/ Ledger Form 

In this form, the entries of documents of a library are written by hand in a bound register or ledger, pages are set apart for different letters of the alphabets. These alphabet are arranged alphabetically. Minimum information about the document such as author, title, edition, accession number and class number is given for each book. There may be a separate register for authors or titles or subjects. 


It is cheaper, it is simple and easy to handle or consult. You can find many entries on one page. Hence, few pages are required for this catalogue. Some space or pages are left at the end of an alphabet to accommodate new entries. Now-a-days multiple copies can be produced due to xeroxing facilities. Xerox copies of these catalogues can be placed at different locations in libraries. Even today small public school and college libraries have their catalogues in this form. 


It is not flexible. Entries for new books added cannot always be inserted at their proper places as the left out space is filled shortly. It is not up-to-date. Pages in the register get torn due to constant handling. Hence, new updated registers are to be prepared continuously.  

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Humanities: bound register ledger form in this form the
Reference No:- TGS0176143

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