Assess the consequences of out-sourcing and offshoring for


Write an essay of not more than 1,500 words (not including supporting data, diagrams etc) on one of the following topics.

1. Assess the consequences of out-sourcing and offshoring for growth, employment and skills in the industrialised economies.

2. Compare the theories of international business; which one offers the best explanation of horizontal FDI and why. Support your answer with suitable examples.

3. Outline the principal findings of Stern et al. (2000) (S. Stern, M.E. Porter & J.L. Furman, „The determinants of national innovative capacity?, NBER Working Paper, No. 7876.?), with respect to the determinants of the international location of R&D and innovation. In the light of developments in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) economies, evaluate the future implications for global R&D and innovation.

4. "Foreign exchange exposure is a measure of the potential for the firms profitability, net cash flow and market value to be adversely affected by unanticipated changes in the exchange rate "

Elucidate the above statement explaining the three traditional types of foreign exposure using suitable examples.


Markers look for the following points in essays and examination answers:

Does the essay answer the question asked?

Mediocre essays simply reproduce notes on the topic which the question asks about, rather than answering the question. Good essays show how and why the material is relevant to the question.

Does the essay make an argument?

A good essay makes arguments rather than assertions. It evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments it uses. It brings together material from a variety of sources (lectures, textbooks and further reading) to make a coherent argument rather than a list of points.

Does the student understand and explain the economics clearly at an appropriate level for the course? Does the student distinguish between analytical argument, evidence, opinion, and moral and political judgement?

The distinction is useful if not entirely clear cut. Some of the things you are asked to write about are politically and ethically controversial. By all means express your opinions, but explain the argument and evidence which supports your opinions, and opposing views.

The following considerations apply to any piece of writing

Is the language used correctly (spelling, punctuation, grammar)?

Is the writing clear?

It should not be necessary to read a sentence twice to understand what it means. It is easier to write clearly in English using short sentences with simple structures.

However more elaborate writing can be more interesting to read. When you read something that is particularly clear or particularly obscure ask yourself why. Notice when a topic you thought dull is made interesting. How does the writer do it?

Does the structure serve the purpose of the writing well?

Structuring an essay well requires a clear understanding in your mind of what arguments you are using, and how they relate to each other.


Somewhere near the beginning of the essay you need to indicate to the reader how you are going to approach and structure your essay. The introduction may also set the question in context.

Someone has to read students? essays. In later life the first paragraph must persuade people to continue reading.


This is your opportunity to pull the threads of your argument together, to leave your reader with a clear view of what you have achieved in your writing.

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Microeconomics: Assess the consequences of out-sourcing and offshoring for
Reference No:- TGS02628886

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