According to the film lecture on zheng he or magellan -


Answer Questions in Essay format - (3 paragraphs each) with the exception of the Identification and Map section.

In the development of your paragraphs to form your essay you must utilize the following format: SEE, THINK &DO. What do you see- (State the facts); what do you think? ; ( give your interpretation) and what did they do? ; (conclusion or summary of what happened). Utilize citations to indicate where you the information is from using your text as the primary source and the films and lectures, primary sources posted online.

Section One- Essay Section

1. What advantages accrued to Spain as a result of Columbus's voyage? Discuss the transition from the use of the indigenous native peoples of the Americas to the use of Africans. What is the plantation economy and how did it mesh with mercantilism.

2. How were existing economic and political systems integrated into the Atlantic plantation system? What were the effects on this interaction on African and African societies?

3. According to the Film Lecture on Zheng He or Magellan - Explain 5 out 10 salient facts in reference to their lecture on maritime travel.

4. According to your Text, and the film "Martin Luther Revolutionary", what were the major reasons why Martin Luther left the Catholic Church and decided to embark upon establishing a new revolutionary way of worshiping?

5. From the Primary source document on OlaudahEquiano and the textbook reading on Equiano: Why did Equiano say he would have preferred death to continued existence on the slave ship? How did Equiano find himself is such a terrible predicament. What does the story of OlaudahEquiano tell us about slavery in North America?

Section Two- Identification

Identify five out of the ten and give the significance

1. Henry the Navigator-

2. Middle Passage or triangular trade-

3. Encomienda System

4. Joint stock companies

5. Casta system

6. Bartolome de la Casas

7. Mercantilism

8. Catalina de Erauso

9. Plantation economy

10. The Columbian Exchange

Section Three- Map

A. Discuss the treaty of Westphalia and list the countries involved in the treaty.


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History: According to the film lecture on zheng he or magellan -
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