Positive Aspects-Group Decision Making-Organization Behavior

1)     Pooling of knowledge and information: since many individuals involved in-group decision-making, more data and information can be brought to bear on the decision. The group provides specialized inputs in defining variables and suggests alternatives that the individual alone is unlikely to come up with.

2)     Satisfaction and communication: individual satisfaction and comment in group decision-making are often enhanced. This may be caused by an attitude change regarding the alternatives a result of discussion. It may also be caused by the development of group spirit as people discover similarities among themselves.

3)     Personnel development: group decision-making is a source of development of individual in the organization. Learning is enhanced when one observes others, practices what has been seen, and experiences the positive rewards received for successfully repeating the new behavior. These three learning factors are present in group decision-making. Individuals can learn to know to gather data, evaluate it, generate alternatives, calculate risks, and choose the best solution by practicing with others in group decision. Thus the problem of succession in the organization can be overcome.

4)     More risk taking: every decision involves some kind of risk because a decision affects future events and one can never be sure whether a particular vary in terms of risk-taking aptitudes and capabilities, risk taking increases when these individuals are pooled in a group. Thus the risk taking tends to be higher in group decision-making. Higher risk taking generates in group decision making because:

5)     Different perspectives: individuals with varied experience and interests help the group to see decisions, situations, and problems from different angles.


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