Phenomenon of cows swallow of food

The Cows swallow their food once and then this food goes back to the mouth to be chewed once more. How this phenomenon be explained?




The food ingested by cows and other ruminant animals passes primary in two compartments of the digestive tube termed as the rumen and the reticulum. Within them the food suffers the act of digestive enzymes liberated by microorganisms which live there in mutualist ecological interaction. In reticulum, the food is classified in some food bolus also. After passing the reticulum the food (or cud) is regurgitated to the mouth to be once more chewed and swallowed in a process termed as rumination. The digesting food then enters omasum where it is mechanically mixed. Subsequent to that the food goes to the abomasum, the organ where the chemical digestion occurs. Subsequent to leaving the abomasum (that is, the true stomach) the food bolus gains the intestine.

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