Drawing 4-bit bcd up down counter using vhdl sequential code

Question 1) Describe the inertial delay and transport delay in behavioural modelling. Also, provide the delay model for each of these.

Question 2) How can IF, CASE and LOOP statements be used to control flow of execution within the model?

Question 3) Write the 4-bit shift register VHDL sequential code using IF statement.

Question 4) Design a basic PAL circuit having four-inputs, eight product terms and one active-low combinational output.

Question 5) Design fuses on your diagram to realize the following Boolean expression:


Question 6) Write down the VHDL code for a serial-parallel multiplier circuit.

Question 7) What do you mean by CPLD and FPGA? Describe their architecture in detail.

Question 8) Draw a 4-bit BCD up down counter using VHDL sequential code.

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Electrical Engineering: Drawing 4-bit bcd up down counter using vhdl sequential code
Reference No:- TGS08532

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