Yu are required to set up a small network with network id

You are required to set up a small network with network ID: In this network, there are three routers, two servers, one acting as DHCP Server and another as Mail/DNS Server. You can use Cisco Packet Tracer for this assignment (more information on use of Packet Tracer can be discussed with your Lecturer in Tutorial class).

Topology is as shown below:

160_DHCP Server.png

The requirements are as follows:

1. CSU network has only 10 networking devices (including printers, scanners and PCs etc.)

2. CSU network require only 5 dynamically assigned IP addresses, so PC1-PC5 will get IP address from DHCP Server, these address must be starting from

3. Configure DHCP Server for CSU network

4. Configure MAIL server for CSU.com, create two email user IDs as follows:

a. [email protected] user name: jatinder password: abc123

b. @csu.com user name: password: xyz123

5. MAIL Server will also act as DNS Server for CSU Network, so you also need to configure it as DNS Server

6. When subnetting the network, ensure that the subnet allocated to CSU Network must have IP address mentioned in step 2. Other subnets/IP address must be configured in ascending order as follows:

a. Lowest subnet to DHCP Server

b. Next subnet to DNS/MAIL Server

c. Next subnet to connect Server Router and Melbourne Router

d. Next subnet to Melbourne Router and CSU Router

7. All Servers and Printer should be configured with static IP addresses, all PCs should be configured with Dynamic IP address

8. Use RIP Version2 as routing protocol

Fill the table below with information: 18 marks

Device IP Address/ Subnet mask Marks

DHCP Server IP address 2

DHCP Server Gateway IP address 2

DNS/MAIL Server IP address 2

DNS/MAIL ServerGateway IP address 2

Server Router Serial Interface address 2

CSU Router Serial Interface address 2

CSU Printer IP address 2

CSU Printer Gateway address 2

PC1-PC5 Gateway address 2

Following information must be provided as snap shots:

1. Show routing tables of all three routers

2. Show running configuration of CSU Router

3. Ping from PC1 to DNS Server

4. Ping from PC5 to DHCP Server

5. From PC1 send and receive minimum 4 email between you and jatinder and show the snap shot of conversation as per example given below:

6. Show dynamically obtained IP address by PC1

7. Show the DHCP Server setting

8. Submit your packet tracer file by email (to your class lecturer)

9. Properly drafted assignment submission

10. Clear Subnetting calculations with logical topology

11. Explain the functioning and purpose of all setting you used in DHCP Server in this assignment, also provide APA style references.

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Computer Engineering: Yu are required to set up a small network with network id
Reference No:- TGS0982037

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