you will write a functionqr mygsqratypethe

You will write a function

QR = my_gs_qr(A,type);

The function my_gs_qr should take as inputs an m × n real matrix A, with m ≥ n, a number type, whith type equal to 1 or 0, and a number precision, where precision is an integer between 0 and 9, inclusive. The function should return an m × n matrix Q, and the upper triangular n × n matrix R, computed with simulated ?oating point arithmetic with precision base ten bits (and matlabs internal full precision arithmetic if precision= 0). If type is 1, the code should use modi?ed Gram-Schmidt, and if type is 0, the code should use classical Gram-Schmidt. All arithmetic operations used in all the computations should be implemented using simulated precision.

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Applications of MATLAB: you will write a functionqr mygsqratypethe
Reference No:- TGS0443385

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