You are to complete a personal consumer behaviour journal

Section A. Consumer Behaviour Personal Journal

You are to complete a Personal Consumer Behaviour Journal over a 10 consecutive day period. You are to use the Journal Template which is an excel spreadsheet available in Moodle. A minimum of 20 purchase entries and a maximum of 30 should be provided in the Journal. You have to complete the information under ALL headings of the Journal (unless it is not applicable in which case you must put n/a in the relevant cell).

The journal must be printed out and submitted with the written report (this section does not need to be submitted to Turnitin) - it is likely that the journal will exceed the normal size of an A4 page - if it is split over a few pages then it must be stapled/stuck together so that the lecturer can view the entire journal easily.

Section B. Consumer Behaviour Report

This section of the report combines the details of your personal Consumer Behaviour Journal AND Consumer Behaviour theory. You will need to choose one theory from the list below to explain in your report:

• Just Noticeable Difference
• Needs and Motivation
• Classical Conditioning
• Consumer Personality
• Consumer Attitude
• Consumer Culture
• Reference Group Influence

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Dissertation: You are to complete a personal consumer behaviour journal
Reference No:- TGS01244519

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