writing data to a filethe save function can be

Writing data to a File:

The save function can be used to write a data from the matrix to the data file, or to append a data file. The format is as shown below:

save filename matrixvariablename -ascii

The -ascii qualifier is used when generating a text or data file. The following generates a matrix and then saves the values of the matrix variable to a data file known as the testfile.dat:

>> mymat = rand(2,3)

mymat =

0.4565  0.8214  0.6154

0.0185  0.4447  0.7919

>> save testfile.dat mymat -ascii

This generates a file known as the testfile.dat which stores the numbers

0.4565  0.8214  0.6154

0.0185  0.4447  0.7919

The type command can be used to show the contents of the file; note that the scientific notation is used as shown below:

>> type testfile.dat

4.5646767e-001  8.2140716e-001  6.1543235e-001

1.8503643e-002  4.4470336e-001  7.9193704e-001

Note: When the file already exists, then the save function will overwrite it; save always starts writing from the starting of a file.

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Applications of MATLAB: writing data to a filethe save function can be
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