Write a particular specification for a cut-to-fill earthwork


Write a particular specification for a cut-to-fill earthworks operation for a large sports field. Use the SABS 1200 format. You will have to establish realistic values for the density requirement of the fill, quality requirements and tolerances, method of payment and sufficient pay items. Use SABS 1200 DA as a guide.

Assume that the ground conditions are unknown and could include rock, hard and soft materials. Also assume that the size of the sports field is not known as the Client has not yet decided if he needs a field for soccer, rugby, cricket or hockey, or all four. Note that the project specification will include a geotechnical report and a series of drawings giving all dimensions, slopes, etc.paste your question here.

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Other Subject: Write a particular specification for a cut-to-fill earthwork
Reference No:- TGS02014255

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