with all the limitations what are the uses of

With all the limitations, what are the uses of fiber optics?

There is an ordinary misconception about the quantity of light required for a given task: more light is not essentially better, and frequently is worse than the right amount along with the correct characteristics. In several instances, small quantities of light to demarcate, accent or decorate are much better than a glaring neon-like line.

A good illustration that comes to mind is the uses in public buildings to line out corridors, cinemas and theatres, emergency and aisles exits: in these illustrations the brightness of neon would simply not be adequate.  Coupled with the beauty of color change abilities side emitting optics are a valuable tool into the hands of the designer for outlining buildings, internally and externally both, spas, pools, cornices, gardens and all types of architectural details.

The other point not to be forgotten is the complete safety of fiber optics. There is no electricity into them. It means that in all those cases where high voltage neon simply cannot be contemplated due to danger, fragility or maintenance; side-emitting fibers can be the only sensibly optional.

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Physics: with all the limitations what are the uses of
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