Why ethics in intelligence collection and analysis important

Assignment task:

Readings: (1) Textbook: Lowenthal, M. M. (2022). Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy (9th ed.). CQ Press. (2) Read chapters 11, 12, 13 and 15 from textbook, and if independent research is used, please cite and list all references.

Question 1) Why are ethics in intelligence collection and analysis important? 

Question 2) Name four (4) foreign intelligence collection agencies around the globe. Describe their structure, and threat to U.S. national security.


  • Introduction (an introduction paragraph to what you are writing about)
  • Discussion (describe in detail your hypothesis supported by documented and cited research within the paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (closing paragraph describing if your hypothesis was correct and any recommendations for improvements or necessary changes)
  • References (list all researched information in APA 7th Ed format

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