Why does ms. craig need to have a cabg

Assignment task:

Maggie Craig and her family discuss the risk and benefits with the interventional cardiologist and decide that Ms. Craig should undergo CABG to treat the occlusions of her LAD and RCA. The CAD is extensive, and Ms. Craig is at risk for a deadly acute MI, especially because of the involvement of the LAD. She is referred to a cardiac surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive robotically assisted CABG. The surgery is performed, and Ms. Craig is discharged after 2 days and prescribed lifetime aspirin as well as clopidogrel, rosuvastatin, metoprolol, and short-term furosemide. She is referred to cardiac rehabilitation and is able to return to normal activities of daily life 2 weeks later, thanks to her timely diagnosis and treatment. Why does Ms. Craig need to have a CABG? Why are the listed medications prescribed for Ms. Craig on discharge?

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Reference No:- TGS03393776

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