Who does scout visit when banished from play with jem and

1. Explain the role of history in this novel.

2. Why are nicknames and given names important?

3. What makes Jem admire Dill?

4. Why is Boo Radley a legend?

5. Why does Miss Caroline disapprove of Scout?

6. Why is Scout punished on her first day of school?

7. What advice does Atticus give Scout when she complains about school?

8. What is Scout's attitude toward modern teaching methods?

9. What do Scout and Jem find in the tree at the Radley place?

10. Discuss the role of superstition. How does it contribute to the plot of the novel?

11. Who does Scout visit when banished from play with Jem and Dill? What does she learn from this person?

12. What plan do Jem and Dill devise to make Boo Radley come out of his house? Does it work?

13. Why does Atticus defend Tom Robinson?

14. What is significant about the scene in which the madd dog is shot? What does this scene foreshadow?

15. Why is it a sin "to kill a mockingbird" (Lee 103)?

16. Why are Scout and Jem shocked to see Atticus use a gun? How does their view of his accomplishments change with this knowledge?

17. What is Jem's punishment for attacking Mrs. Dubose's camellia bushes? Why does Atticus choose this punishment?

18. Why does Atticus admire Mrs. Dubose?

19. Why does Dill stay away during the summer after Mrs. Dubose's death?

20. How does Reverend Sykes collect the proper amount of money for the Robinson family?

21. Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with Atticus and his family?

22. Why did Dill run away from home?

23. Why does Atticus hold vigil outside the jail the night before Tom Robinson's trial?
What disperses the hostile crowd outside the jail?

24. What is the "Idlers' Club" (185)? What does Scout learn by overhearing their conversation? Why does this information surprise her?

25. What does Bob Ewell reveal to those in the court room when he writes his name? How is this information significant?

26. How does Mayella react to Atticus's questions? Why?

27. What do spectators notice about Tom Robinson when he rises in court? How is this fact important?

28. What does Tom's behavior during his testimony say about his character? Compare and contrast his demeanor with that of the Ewells.

29. What does Mr. Raymond's paper sack contain? Why does he pretend otherwise?

30. Why does Dill cry during Tom's trial?

31. Why are Scout, Jem and Dill made to go home after Atticus's closing argument?

32. What is the jury's decision? Why does it surprise and anger Jem?

33. How does the black community repay Atticus for his defense of Tom Robinson?

34. Why does Dill want to be a clown when he grows up?

35. In Jem's view, what separates groups of people? Does Scout accept this explanation? Why or why not?

36. How and why is Tom Robinson killed?

37. How is the school discussion about Hitler and current events ironic?

38. What does Link Deas do for Tom's widow and her children?

39. Who rescues Jem and Scout the night of the Halloween pageant?

40. How does Aunt Alexandra react to the news about Bob Ewell's death?

41. What makes Scout recognize Boo Radley?

42. What does Atticus believe concerning Bob Ewell's death? Why? What actually happened?

43. Why does Heck Tate choose to cover up the truth about Bob Ewell's death?

44. Discuss the final paragraphs of the novel. How is this resolution appropriate? Explain your answer.

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History: Who does scout visit when banished from play with jem and
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