Which prohibits canadian companies from complying with the

IB3 Assessment


Wal-Mart, as a U.S. company, does not do any business in Cuba and does not purchase from any Cuban suppliers. Wal-Mart Canada, a Canadian company, found out several years ago that a supplier outsourced the manufacture of pajamas to Cuba, and that these Cuban-made pajamas were being sold in Wal-Mart's Canadian stores. The U.S. parent company ordered the Canadian subsidiary to pull the product, but the Canadian subsidiary reported that doing so would violate Canadian law, which prohibits Canadian companies from complying with the U.S. boycott of Cuba. What should Wal-Mart U.S. do? What should Wal-Mart Canada do?

Must be 400 words and use 3 scholarly sources APA (6thed) cited.

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Operation Management: Which prohibits canadian companies from complying with the
Reference No:- TGS02776894

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