Which of required reading item did you find most interesting

Discussion Post: Food, Water, and Nutrition

Before posting to the Discussion this week, log into your Global Health Learning Account and complete ONE of the following trainings: 1) Diarrheal Disease, 2) Nutrition: An Introduction OR 3) Social and Behavioral Change for Nutrition, and earn a certificate.

After completing the training upload your certificate to the discussion.

• Share three interesting things you learned from the training.
• How did it relate to this week's required reading?
• Which of the required reading items did you find most interesting and why?
• Were there differences in approach between the reading and the training?
• What is the global impact of the issue? (provide hard data)
• What is one evidence-based solution?

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Risk Management: Which of required reading item did you find most interesting
Reference No:- TGS03065349

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