Whether it is so important to get enough sleep

Problem: It is so important to get enough sleep.  Do you find that you are tired a lot?  Are you working full-time?  Part-time?  Both?  Do you have children?  Pets? 

School is about endurance - not how smart you are.  Have you heard of the word "Grit?"  "Grit" refers to a combination of passion, determination, resilience, and perseverance in the pursuit of long-term goals. It encapsulates the ability to maintain sustained effort and enthusiasm even in the face of challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. Individuals who possess grit demonstrate a tenacious commitment to their objectives, often pushing through difficulties and adversity without giving up. This trait involves a deep-seated motivation to achieve personal or professional aspirations, coupled with the willingness to exert continuous and dedicated effort over an extended period.

How do you make time for it all?  Do you feel like you have Grit?

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Other Subject: Whether it is so important to get enough sleep
Reference No:- TGS03374048

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