What you see as major public relations challenges presented


Reach chapters 4 and 5 in the text Introduction to Strategic Public Relations. Specifically, review and consider the ROPES model relative to the strategic communications planning process.

Read the article "Santa Fe Public Schools prepares to dramatically change grading" By Jessica Pollard on a New Mexico school district's move to standards based grading.

Analyze the article's coverage of this issue. Address the following questions in a two to three page word document:

A. What do you see as major public relations challenges presented with this district's move to overhaul their grading system?

B. How do you see elements of the ROPES model at play in this situation?

C. If you were in charge of formulating a press release outlining a district's move to a similar standards-based grading system across all schools, what elements would you emphasize for your district? Again, use the ROPES model as a guide.

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