What would you have liked to know about the speaker


A. Who is in the audience? What do you think drew them to the event?

B. What about the speakers interested you? What things lost your attention? (There is no boredom-only speakers who could be more engaging, perhaps.)

C. What would you have liked to know about the speaker(s)? What questions did you ask (or wished you had asked)? What did you understand about the work and what confused you?

D. Listen carefully and write down some phrases, lines, images that particularly caught your attention. Why do you think those words/images stuck in your mind? What was profound, interesting or meaningful about them?

E. What more do you want to know about this kind of writing? Is it something that you would like to try yourself? Why or why not?

F. If this was your first time at a literary reading, what did you learn about yourself in this environment? What about this kind of event is interesting to you? What about this kind of event would keep you from attending another?

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