What work-related outcomes-associated with job satisfaction


Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

Complete the matrix below with 3 to 5 job skills found in the workplace that could lead to improved job performance.

Job Skills in the Workplace

Team Leadership

Positive Attitude


Create a 700-word summary of what you have learned about Organizational Behavior from your current readings.

Include the following in your summary:

Explain the connection between organizational behavior and your selected job skills from the matrix.

Discuss how these job skills can lead to improved job performance.

Explain how Organizational Behavior can aid you in decision-making and problem-solving.

Predict the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace.

1. How can you apply OB in a practical way to increase your effectiveness?

2. What work-related outcomes are associated with job satisfaction?

Attachment:- Why Study Organizational Behavior.rar

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Other Management: What work-related outcomes-associated with job satisfaction
Reference No:- TGS01978096

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