What were the different caricatures of easlaved black women

Ar'n't I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South by Deborah Gray White

Write the review by answering these question and don't misss any of these questions

What is the thesis support his thesis

What eidence does White use to we read,

What is White's intenention the United States'

Why this book is this book important for the histories of slavery in united slate communities

Why is it important for us tunderstand slavery communities?

What time period of slavery is covered?

What were the different caricatures of easlaved black women and how did White contest each of these caricatures

Explain the life cycle of enslaved black women according to White?

What is everyday resistance?

Explain the resistance methods of enslaved black women?

Explain the gendered and serual nature of slave labor?

How was plantation life and community life different for men and women?

Explain the violence expenence by enslaved women?

These book reviews constitute a significant part of your grade, so read the following instructions carefully.

Your papers should summarize the main arguments that the author is trying to make, evaluate the effectiveness of the author's arguments, and analyze the sources upon which the author bases these arguments. (For a general model, see the book review section of the Journal of American History).

Use the below outline as a template for how your book review should be written:

Paragraph 1: Explain the author's thesis-the main point or points that he/she is trying to make in the book. (This is not a description or summary of the book; it is an explanation of the author's purpose, the central idea or ideas around which the book is organized). Also include a brief discussion of the scope of the book-- the subject of the book and the time or geographical that it covers (i.e. what the book is about). Like the thesis, this should take no more than a sentence or two.

Next 3-4 paragraphs. Give a broad, general summary of the book. You cannot in 3-4 paragraphs summarize the entire book, but you can give an example of the author's arguments that capture the flavor of the book.

Next paragraph. Discuss the sources upon which the author bases his book. What research materials did he use?

Last paragraph. Assess the book. Do not tell me whether or not you liked it or found it interesting, but tell me how successful the author was in achieving his objectives (thesis) and convincing you of f the validity of his arguments; also cite the strengths and weaknesses of the book (if they exist).

Note: A paragraph should be 1/2 to 3/4 pages in length.

Do not write paragraphs that are too short or too long!


1. At least two (3) pages, no longer than three (5) pages.

2. Double Spaced

3. 12 point

4. Times New Roman Font

5. One-Inch Margins

6. Chicago Style

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History: What were the different caricatures of easlaved black women
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