What was your initial reaction to the surrogacy situation

(Problem 1) What was your initial reaction to the surrogacy situation in the Ukraine generally speaking, in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic and now with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

(Problem 2) The average cost of surrogacy is ~ $50,000. What additional costs or problems do you think parents will incur because they chose an international route that became problematic? (Viewpoint from the Pandemic and now war issues)

(Problem 3) Do you think the infants will face any developmental challenges (physical, cognitive, or social) with prolonged separation from their biological parents?

(Problem 4) In the second video, can you name the technique that Joel (the dad) is doing with his newborn daughter when he lays her on his chest? This specific technique is mentioned in the textbook reading.

(Problem 5) How did Joel get into the Ukraine during the Pandemic to be with his baby girl? Would he be able to take this same route today?

(Problem 6) What moral and legal obligations should the parents have when the surrogacy does not go as planned? Keep in mind the case of Bridgette from the third video.

(Problem 7) Do the surrogate women have enough protective rights from what you observed in the third video?

(Problem 8) What other concerns might you have about international surrogacy?

(Problem 9) Can you name any famous personalities who used surrogacy either domestically or internationally to become parents?

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Reference No:- TGS03354539

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