What is carl martins main argument regarding the impact of

Short Answer Questions

In four or five sentences, briefly answer the following questions. Ten marks each.

1. From the Steinberg textbook, Reflections from a Woodlot explain what were some of the main environmental factors that impeded or facilitated resettlement.

2. After reading Samuel de Champlain's Voyages, how do you think his target audience e shape his writing?

3. Based on Cook's argument, how important were ecological factors to survival in the New France colony? How do Virginia DeJohn Anderson's findings compare to Ramsay Cook's?

4. What is Carl Martin's main argument regarding the impact of Europeans on the culture of the northeastern Algonquian?

5. In what ways does Charles Bishop refute or contradict Carl Martin's thesis? How does Carl Martin respond to his critics? Do you think his ecological interpretation is sound?

6. From Steinberg's chapters 5 and 7 and Joyce Chaplin's article, explain how access to water shaped power relations in the U.S. South. What impact did water and agriculture have on the enslavement of African peoples in this part of North America?

7. Based upon Donald Worster's essay and the primary sources "An Advocate Encounters the Irrigators, 1887" and "An Advocate Encounters the Irrigators, 1887", explain how irrigation was organized in California in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century? Were there alternatives to the model chosen?

Long Answer Questions

Answer the following questions. 250-350 words per question. Twenty-five marks each.

1. Considering the environmental challenges of resettlement, how might an environmental history approach change the way historians think about the colonization of North America by European peoples?

2. How did the encounter with capitalism through the fur trade alter the Aboriginal relationship with fur-bearing animals?

3. How did the control over water through the use of different irrigation technologies alter social power relations in the U.S. South and West?

4. The following criteria will be used to evaluate your answers.

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History: What is carl martins main argument regarding the impact of
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