What is a religious theocracy


Directions: The following test consists of all short answer and essay questions. Short answer responses should include all the ACE elements unless otherwise indicated in the directions. Essay questions should show understanding of the text and able to analyze, evaluate, and react to the ideas presented and be formatted as a full PAACE response. Answers will be assessed on the following: a) correctness of response b) clarity of writing c) depth of analysis d) support from text.

Short Answer Questions: Write a full ACE paragraph to answer each short answer question using the prompts provided. Since you DO have your pdfs and notes, please provide specific quotes or paraphrase your specific details from the pdfs (i.e. put the details in your own words). You must provide a page number for each quoted or paraphrased piece of evidence.

Persepolis Questions:

1. What is a religious theocracy? How did this form of government change women's lives in Iran?

2. How did veils serve as a motif in Persepolis? Cite specific examples from the text.

3. Discuss Marjane's family. What was their socio-economic status, and how can you tell? What kind of role did they play in the revolution/protests that took place in Iran?

4. Marjane was a rather interesting young lady. Describe her personality. How did her personality shape her experiences during the revolution? What character from another unit does she most remind you of? Why? Cite examples from both texts.

5. Trevor Noah was "born a crime," a legal issue that impacted his childhood. Compare the ways laws impact the lives of characters in two different books we studied. Explain using the texts.

6. Theme comparison: Choose books from two different units. What is one specific theme you believe the books have in common? What do you learn about the human experience through reading these books? Cite examples from both texts.

7. America prides itself on the 1st Amendment, which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abriding the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances." How did restrictions to any these fundamental rights play a role in two of the texts we studied?

Essay Response: Respond to the prompt below fully in essay format. In your response you should answer the question-Being sure you address all parts of the question; use specific details from the text(s) to support your answer; and react and respond as a reader. Answers will be assessed on the following: a) correctness of response b) clarity of writing c) depth of analysis d) support from text. Use PAACE to format your answer-this means the response should be a minimum of 8 sentences-and probably longer.

8. Last unit I asked what you learned about how revolutions shape peoples' lives. This time, I would like you to examine the role one of the topics below plays in two of the revolutionary texts we studied. Since this is an essay response, your response should include several specific examples from both texts.

a. trauma

b. opportunity/exceptionalism

c. tribalism


Born a Crime

By Trevor Noah

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History: What is a religious theocracy
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