What ethical dilemmas does this present for marco manager

Discussion Post

Reflect on the assigned readings. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

• Marco Manager supervises three employees at a bank. Several times over the last three months, money has been missing from a specific employee's till at the end of the shift. Marco Manager has worked with this employee for five years and considers this employee a friend. What ethical dilemmas does this present for Marco Manager?

• Cash Right Now, LLC provides very high interest loans to people with poor credit scores that have a high probability of defaulting on the loan. Many people do in fact default on these loans; however, Cash Right Now, LLC does make a substantial profit overall, even considering these defaults. The people that borrow from Cash Right Now, LLC are unlikely to obtain credit elsewhere. Discuss if Cash Right Now, LLC's business practices are ethical considering it charges much higher interest rates than traditional banks.

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: What ethical dilemmas does this present for marco manager
Reference No:- TGS03057028

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