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Investigative field notes can make or break a case in police work (H., O. C. M., Hess Ka¨ren M., & Cho, H. L. (2017). Therefore, it is important to take detailed, clear, and organized notes. The increase in new kinds of technology such as, photography, videography, and computer imaging might cause investigators to rely on the photos and videos taken at the crime scene. This could cause them to take less detailed notes thinking that the photos and videos cover everything they need to know about the scene. Another disadvantage could be the new technology causes them to disregard taking notes altogether. Not taking detailed notes and not writing down notes at all will be harmful to a good quality report and could potentially harm the case.

The advantage to voice-activated notetaking is when taking a statement from a witness or suspect there can be no here-say because it is recorded. Another advantage to voice-activated notetaking is that it is easy and fast and can be done on the spot whereas with writing down notes you will want to be careful of when the notes are written down. The disadvantages to voice activated notetaking is that the dictation could be wrong and reporting exactly what the recorded notes say could be wrong due to in correct spelling or the recording might convey a different message than the investigator intended due to dictation because they did not proofread the report before sending it off. The investigator whether using voice-activated notetaking or regular field notes should always double check what they have written or recorded to make sure it is factual and correct and they should always be diligent in whatever they are doing. As Christians we are especially supposed to be diligent with our work. In the bible Paul tells us this in Colossians 3:23-24, " Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord you are serving.

H., O. C. M., Hess Ka¨ren M., & Cho, H. L. (2017). Criminal investigation. Cengage Learning. (2022). Holy Bible: New International Version. Wheaton, III: Tyndale House Publishers

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