What connections have you made between the course

Write 7 page report
double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman, No cover page need.
I'm writing about "Beverly Hills High School" in Los Angeles, California.
Writings must include answers to below questions.
I have attached course materials.

1. Start with a short introductory description of your school community, as well as your first impressions/ experiences.

2. How would you describe the school community in regards to?:

• Socioeconomic status and access to technology/services/resources
• Racial and ethnic identity/demographics
• Support for ability and exceptionality needs
• Gender, sex, and sexual practices/norms
• Language diversity and use
• Migration/migratory status

3. Does the data you collected match what you experience about your school's cultural diversity? Why or why not?

4.How do the course materials and content help you understand what you are learning about your school community?

5.What connections have you made between the course topics/content and your growing understanding of your school community? Do you see any concepts materialize within your school community?

6.What are major issues in these areas for your school community?

7.How and/or why are they addressed (or not)?

8.Has the course content made you see your school community in a different light? If so, how and why?

9.How would you compare your first impression of the community to your current understanding of it?

Attachment:- assign.rar

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Dissertation: What connections have you made between the course
Reference No:- TGS01476548

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