What are the most important characteristics of the

Ethic paper: Setting out your thoughts and views on what it means to be an ethical professional. You may consider any or all of the following points:

  • Upon becoming a CPA, what obligations are you undertaking and to whom are they owed?
  • What values underlie your approach to professionalism and how will they be manifested in the practice of your profession.
  • Is there a mentor in your life that helped you to develop these values?
  • Or is there someone that you identify with and admire that embodies your ethical standards?
  • What are the most important characteristics of the professional and by what standards have you determined those?
  • As a professional, you have either seen or dealt with some dilemmas. Write up one ethical dilemma from your experience.
  • What do you see for yourself as a professional in the next five years? Ten? Twenty?

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Accounting Basics: What are the most important characteristics of the
Reference No:- TGS02497566

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