What are the marketing issues illustrated in the article

Assignment: Portfolio Articles Analysis

Task Description

For this assessment, each student will be analysing two newspaper articles for tutorial discussion and submission on two separate weeks. The emphasis is on identifying the marketing implications for the events or incidents described in the selected articles. This is an individual assessment with a maximum word limit of 600 for each article analysis.

Select an article published online in any Australian newspaper no more than two weeks earlier than the submission deadline. For the week 4 submission, please choose an article published online between the 18th of March and the 31st of March 2019 (this is Assessment 1a). For the week 6 submission, please choose an article published online between the 08th of April and the 19th of April, 2019 (this is Assessment 1b). All submissions must contain a copy of the full article (in pdf) as an attachment. You should also reference the article in the main submission document with the correct URL in the reference list section (follow the APA guideline for all referencing).

For each article analysis prepare a write-up (in .doc or .docx format) of no more than 600 words for online submission. Each write-up should address the following three questions:

1. What are the marketing issues illustrated in the article?
2. Who are the important stakeholders?
3. How would you respond to these issues and why?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.


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HR Management: What are the marketing issues illustrated in the article
Reference No:- TGS02981224

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