what are taxonomic characters taxonomic

What are Taxonomic characters

Taxonomic characters

Classification is done on the basis of information we have. More information gives better classification. Modern taxonomy is developed by incorporating contributions made by various branches of biological sciences. Thus, sometimes there are important revision in the classification systems. Several types of characters are used in classifying organisms. From centuries the characteristics of organisms have been measured, and most species descriptions are based on gross morphology, that is, size and shapes of body parts. The morphology can be revealed from the fossils and it is the best direct source of information about the ancestors of living organisms.

Sophisticated methods are now available for making morphological measurements and for comparing the amount of variability among individuals, populations and species.

The early developmental stages of many organisms reveal similarities with other organisms that are lost by the time adulthood is reached. For instance, larva!, but not adult, sea squirts (tunicates) have a dorsal supporting rod, the notochord, that reveals their evolutionary relationship to other chordates. Examination of the adults would not suggest such a relationship.

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