What are strategic problems in the oil and gas industries



1. Analyse one or more strategic problems in the oil and gas industries and produce a comprehensive report detailing the objectives, methodologies, findings, analysis, and conclusions of the research carried out above. The word length for the report is 10,000 words.

2. Analyse the extent to which you have developed your knowledge, throughout the course and how the course and this project has helped your employability. This should be summarised as a personal statement of no more than 500 words and placed in an appendix to the main document.

Structure & Format

The cover page should state the title.

The following format is recommended, though exceptionally your supervisor may suggest an alternative format:



Abstract (brief paragraph)

Contents & Page numbers

List of figures and tables (if required)


Literature review


Findings and Discussion


Recommendations (if appropriate)

Reflection (five hundred word reflection of your learning during your Programme at GSM - NOT just relating to the Project - this is only for PG60 - Oil and Gas Project)


Appendices (additional graphs and materials linked to the main report)

Brief overview of key chapters


Here you should provide a clear rationale for the research. You should introduce the issues and debates within the area - calling on textbook sources but also key peer reviewed literature.

You should give a brief introduction to the case study (if you have one), identify your Research Question and Objectives and a brief overview of the chapters that follow.

Literature Review

This purpose of this chapter is to identify:

•What is already known about the area?

•What concepts and theories are relevant?

•What research methods and strategies have been used in this area?

•Are there any controversies?

•Are there any inconsistencies in findings?

•Are there any unanswered questions?

Your review also has a number of other purposes:

To help you to refine your research question(s) and objectives further.

To highlight research possibilities that have been overlooked in research to date.

To discover explicit recommendations for further research. These can provide you with a justification for your own research question(s) and objectives.

To help you to avoid simply repeating work that has been done already.

As a rule of thumb, at least 80% of the sources used in this chapter should come from peer-reviewed literature.

Research Methodology

Your research design is the general plan of how you will go about answering your research question(s).

It will specify the sources from which you intend to collect data, how you propose to collect and analyse these, discuss ethical issues and the constraints you will inevitably encounter.

Findings and Discussion

The purpose of this chapter is to report the facts your research discovered, to interpret these results and relate the findings to the original research goals and objectives. The implications of the research should also be discussed here.

Conclusions and Recommendations

In summing up the work you should:

Demonstrate that you have answered the research question(s).

Demonstrate that you have met the research objectives.

Consider your findings in relation to the existing literature.

Reflect on any implications for future research.

Your Recommendations should be insightful and show clearly how your work leads to them

You MUST use the Harvard system for all referencing. Your Bibliography will include sources which have informed your thinking but which you have not referenced within the report. ALL sources cited within the report will need to be listed here, alphabetically, by author.


Every appendix must have a reference in the main body and the reader directed to the relevant appendix at the appropriate place in the text. However, appendices should only contain additional information. All relevant information must be included in the main body.

The project has to be on the corporate social responsibility of BP, this project is an oil and gas management project, it has to be related to the project! you must find an issue with the corporate social responsibility within BP.

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Project Management: What are strategic problems in the oil and gas industries
Reference No:- TGS02065095

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