What are essential to global managerial writing

Assignment Task:

A short analysis of situations is essential to global managerial writing because it happens daily.  We must review all the information, then write clearly and concisely to convey our message.  Frequently, this must occur quickly!  And the short report must also be concise.  Most decision-makers prefer more succinct but substantive correspondence. 


Your CEO has asked you to perform research and provide a recommendation on a product to sell to another country.

You will choose the product to sell, do an environmental scan to determine the best country to sell this chosen product, and then write an email outlining your scan.

Be sure to include an assessment of cultural differences that might affect the product development or launch.

Please perform the research needed, with the citations in formal email format.

Your email must include:

1.  Email subject line; to/from line, introduction, body, and conclusion.

2.  An environmental scan of the product and country you think your company should target.

3.  Clear discussion, based on research, on why this country makes the most sense in addition to assessing how to best approach the market based on country cultural research.

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Other Management: What are essential to global managerial writing
Reference No:- TGS03403154

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