Virtual field trip on google earth around assateague island

Assignment task:

I'm doing a "virtual field trip" on Google Earth around Assateague Island (no specific area.) I'm having trouble locating photos relevant to my powerpoint and locating sources that relate to geomorphic character of my site and things like that. I honestly don't know where to start. Any tips?

My assignment so far:

Assateague Island is the site I have chosen.

During my virtual visit to Assateague Island, the weather was partly cloudy and in the upper 50s. There is an off-shore wind and poor/fair wave conditions.

Assateague Island is located on a barrier island.

A few local webcams show the island's conditions. Weather was generally calm with no noticeable changes.

Assateague Island's association with wild horses prompted my choice. There are wild horses living on the island that are actually feral animals. They have formed a wild horse society despite the heat, inclement weather, and poor quality food on the remote island.

Local folklore says horses survived a shipwreck off the Virginia coast. The tale is popular, but there are no real records to support it. Another explanation is that they are descendants of horses brought to barrier islands like Assateague in the late seventeenth century by mainland owners to avoid fencing laws and taxation. (NPS.GOV)

Assateague Island has a long history of environmental policy management. It has been a National Wildlife Refuge since 1943 and is managed by the National Park Service. The National Wildlife Refuge Act and other laws protect the island and its wildlife.

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Observation: Present your observations or findings from the virtual field trip. Include at least four photos w/ captions!

You must include at least four photos/diagrams with captions describing their relevance to your site. Notice anything interesting visually at your site? Keep this section to the details

Include photos of the site (these can be sourced online if you visit virtually).

Each slide should discuss aspects of the site's geomorphology or relate your observations to relevant literature. Use Google Scholar or similar resources to paint a picture (citing sources) of the geomorphic character of your site, any restoration or destructive activities taking place in the area, how the area might fare in a sea-level rise scenario (1' compared to 5' compared to 10' of rise by 2050, for example)

The site's history can help us understand how it has been affected by past environmental changes, such as rising sea levels, storms, and other natural disasters. This can help us better predict how the site may be affected by future environmental changes, such as climate change, and what we can do to help protect it.

Assateague Islands ecosystem services include coastal protection, storm buffering, and biodiversity. They also provide recreational opportunities such as camping, fishing, and bird watching. Monitoring and understanding the changing environment is essential for preserving these services.

Assateague Island has been partially developed, with some areas left untouched. The marshes, forests, and dunegrass habitat remain largely intact and provide important habitat for species such as migratory birds. Additionally, recreational activities such as horseback riding, fishing, and clamming are allowed on the island.

Missing info/haven't completed

Conclusion: Conclude with a brief summary/reflection about your site visit, clarifying your main points and their relevance to coastal geography.

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Science: Virtual field trip on google earth around assateague island
Reference No:- TGS03416203

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