Verification methods used by the iaea

Hello, do you have sufficient time to assist with 2000 to 2500 words? Need that 3 to 4 new references. Just trying to finish up my understanding of this topic. If you don't have time, or this is too technical, let me know...

"Describe the different verification methods used by the IAEA to confirm the absence of undeclared nuclear activities and material at the different nuclear facilities within the nuclear fuel cycle."

I need a few sentences or paragraphs on these items (2000-2500 words total). You don't have to help me with all of them, if you focus on a few that's fine, but its basically an outline of what I need to wrap up this topic (hopefully):

1) Item Counting

2) Non Destructive Analyses

3) Neutron multiplicity counting

4) Active Well Coincidence Counter

5) Passive Neutron Coincidence Counter

6) Gamma spectroscopy

7) Gamma spectroscopy for U

8) Gamma spectroscopy for Pu

9) Calorimetry

10) Weighing and calibration

11) Destructive Analyses

12) Destructive Assay

13) Elemental

14) Isotopic (IDMS,...)

15) Particle (α-spectr,...)

16) Containment/Surveillance

17) Containment seals

18) Surveillance cameras

19) Mass/Volume

If this is too scientific a topic, let me know. I really just need info on how IAEA uses these methods for accountancy and verification in about 2000-2500 words and 3-4 new references.

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Business Law and Ethics: Verification methods used by the iaea
Reference No:- TGS01440119

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